Speech at UCL – A Long Walk to Freedom

Assalaamun alaikum, my plan today is to discuss or quickly go over some of the reasons I believe racism/white supremacy exists and its history and roots in our society, because that is the background and the context in which almost every if not all powerful black leaders had risen, after that ill be making some … Continue reading

Ignorance is Bliss

It was the night mum had to bring the candles out, we could have sat under the stars but the mantis was out, that’s where we made playgrounds out of buildings broken, see they adapted well never really broke bones but, all these children were broken.. Though inside they were burning, some thought process later, … Continue reading

By Any Means Necessary

Times.. have changed. Let me rewind to the days not so long ago as you may think that our people were enslaved, and I can bet that you just visualised a black and white image with a ship full of Africans in chains but its not always that is the case, I could have been … Continue reading

The ‘Fear God’ Phenomenon

Disclaimer: This article represents my thoughts and my thoughts only. The following post is a manifestation of my personal understanding of the phenomenon that human kind should “Fear God”; what this means, and how this benefits the individual as well as the collective society. My understanding of this conviction evolved over a long period of … Continue reading